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Refuse to Choose!: A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything That You Love

Author Barbara Sher

Format Hardcover

Publisher Rodale Books

Category Self Help

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Lifestyle coach Sher discusses the "Scanner"--Someone who frequently has a multiplicity of interests, but finds it hard to create a successful life, because their passions and abilities are taking them in so many different directions. Sher identifies seven types of Scanners--ranging from the Serial Specialist (someone who learns all about one subject, only to get bored and need to move on to the next) to Sybil (a person with so many areas of interest, she can't finish a thing). Sher counsels Scanners that theirs is a unique ability, not a liability, and contends that Scanners must do everything they love, not zero in on one pursuit at the expense of all others. She offers techniques to free people from "goal paralysis," and shows how people can stop thinking of themselves as dabblers or dilettantes and find innovative ways to live lives of variety, challenge and joy.--From publisher description.


Barbara Sher

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-03-07
  • Publisher: Rodale Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781594863035

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