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Boys Over Flowers (Hana Yori Dango), Vol. 2

Author Yoko Kamio

Format Paperback

Publisher VIZ Media LLC

Category Manga

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This classic shojo is featured in a 51-episode anime series. Because she stood up to the F4 gang, Tsukushi is now a celebrity. But not everyone has joined her fan club. A boy playing a violin is rude to her. A trio of girls tricks her at a party. They kidnap and take her to Tsukasa's mansion, where she and her sometimes enemy have a fight and he spreads cruel gossip about her around the school. Tsukushi is certainly resourceful, but how will she handle the challenge?


Yoko Kamio

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2003-10-08
  • Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781569319970
  • UPC: 782009141938

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