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Strange Fire, Holy Fire: Exploring the Highs and Lows of Your Charismatic Experience

Author Michael Klassen

Format Paperback

Publisher Bethany House

Category Pentecostal

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Trying to Make Sense of Your Charismatic Experience? "Looking back through my involvement in the charismatic movement, I can see where I was hurt and where I hurt others--in the name of the Holy Spirit," Michael Klassen admits. "This book is written for people like me, who want to separate the wheat from the chaff of their charismatic experiences." Both a critic and an apologist, Klassen provides an honest assessment of the charismatic movement and its distinctive beliefs and practices: speaking in tongues, spiritual power, authority, healing, personal prophecy, and much more. Whether you have attended a charismatic church--or you are simply curious about this often misunderstood movement--the author clarifies what is biblical and good and what is human, hype, or even harmful.


Michael Klassen

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Bethany House
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780764205491

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