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Stolen Children

Author Peg Kehret

Format Paperback

Publisher Puffin Books

Category Jr. Fiction

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When Amy agreed to baby-sit Kendra Edgerton, she had no idea she was stepping into a kidnapping plot. Two men force the girls out of the house and into a cabin in the woods, where they create DVDs to send to the families, in hopes of a large ransom from Kendra�s wealthy parents. Using her wits and imagination, Amy stealthily sends clues to the police through the DVDs, but time is working against her: She has one week until her captors decide to return Kendra and get rid of Amy.


Peg Kehret

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2010-02-18
  • Publisher: Puffin Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780142415139

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