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Belief Matters: Grappling with the Essentials of the Christian Faith

Author Pete Briscoe

Format Paperback

Publisher Harvest House Publishers

Category Apologetics

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Millions of Christians have never built a foundation of Bible knowledge. They�re left with vague ideas of what they believe, why they believe, and how to articulate those beliefs. Pete Briscoe presents an innovative way to make theology memorable, meaningful, and relevant. Briscoe divides the Apostles Creed into 16 key phrases and uses a clever M.A.P.S. system (Meditate, Apply, Plot, and Speak) to explain each point and to help readers: Identify key Bible passages that support their beliefs Explain every major theological aspect of their faith Discuss the significance of their faith with those who believe differently Explore the wonders of Christianity by experiencing the reality of God and Jesus Examine theology without intimidation and with confidence Readers will discover how greatly belief matters: belief is real, belief is influential, and belief is life�changing. Ideal for churches, groups, and individuals ready for an awakening.


Pete Briscoe

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780736924559

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