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Feathers from My Nest: A Mother's Reflections

Author Beth Moore

Format Hardcover

Publisher Broadman & Holman Pub

Category Christian Living

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Facing the metaphorical empty nest, Beth Moore writes, "The first morning I awakened to a house with no children, my home was quiet, but to my surprise it wasn't empty. Suddenly it felt full. Full of memories. Full of anticipation. Full of love that can somehow go with them to college and beyond, yet stay back home with us. A love that has a name. Jesus." From here, Moore reflects upon all those memories, or feathers, from her nest, showing readers how a smattering of humor and a heavy dose of faith in Jesus helped to shape and guide her mothering. At times the mood is jovial, as she recalls the divine patience it takes to negotiate who rides in the front seat during the after-school carpool. At other times, her tone is tearjerking, as in the time she discovers a wadded tissue in her daughter's bed weeks after she'd left for college. "I had no idea how long it had been there, but I knew instinctively what it meant," writes Moore. "She had been crying ...I held the Kleenex in my hand and wondered what had broken her tender heart." Written as a series of heartfelt vignettes, this sentimental and highly personal book speaks to the lasting gifts of motherhood and why it helps to raise a family within the context of Christian faith. --Gail Hudson


Beth Moore

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2001-04
  • Publisher: Broadman & Holman Pub
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780805424645

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