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Goddess Worship, Witchcraft and Neo-Paganism

Author Craig Hawkins

Format Paperback

Publisher Zondervan

Category Cults and Occult

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The twentieth century has seen a remarkable revival of "the Old Religion," as adherents of Neo-paganism call the native religious traditions of Europe and tribal traditions from North America that predated Christianity. Many neo-pagan groups identify with Celtic (Druidic), Egyptian, Native American, Norse, or Roman traditions; others with modern science-fiction motifs; and still others with witchcraft. Neo-paganism is occultic in nature. A central figure in much of Neo-paganism is the Mother Goddess, who has been introduced and worshiped among certain feminists even in some mainline Protestant churches. This book includes: a concise introduction to the movements, an overview of the movements' theology - in their own words, a biblical response, tips for witnessing effectively, a bibliography with sources for further study, a chart comparing the movements' beliefs with biblical Christianity, and a glossary.


Craig Hawkins

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1998-03-17
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780310488811

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